Verify employment in seconds, not weeks
Revolutionise screening, embrace the future
Imagine a world where employment verification takes seconds, not weeks. Where accuracy is guaranteed, and data security is unparalleled. That's the future giant screening brings you. Trust us to revolutionise your pre-employment screening process with instant, secure, and reliable insights directly from the source.
With Instant employment verification, hire and onboard faster using real-time employment data for all UK workers. Our service removes the typical delays in completing background checks that can cause frustration or even the loss of a good candidate.
Benefits of
Instant employment verification
Improved turnaround times
Enhanced performance
Improved fraud management
Enhanced response rate
Process automation
Managed cost

How does
Instant employment verification work?
The solution uses payroll and open banking input to return the candidate’s data which can include the candidate’s employer name, start and end dates, and job title. With the new process, we can even use the information to validate gaps in employment or any employment periods that the candidate may not have disclosed.
This consent-driven process allows users to share readily available data on a single-use basis. That data is then used to determine when and where the prospective candidate has worked and to ensure their explanation is accurate. Along with this, the information can be shared instantly with any party privy to their employment verification. The solution has the ability to reduce the turnaround time from weeks to seconds.
“We were keen to implement Instant employment verifications into our screening packages. Setup was the same day, and results were seen within hours of our candidates submitting the giant screening forms. Instant employment verifications will help us onboard quickly and provides a compliant validation to enable faster recruitment decisions.”