Proud partners of GOSH
As we all know, there are a wide range of charities that need money but as a business, we’ve chosen to support Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) for a very special reason. As a corporate partner we're committed to raising a minimum of £50,000. Read on to see what we are doing to raise funds to support such a fantastic cause and how you can get involved.

Who are
Great Ormond Street Hospital is one of the worlds leading children’s hospitals. Since its formation in 1852, the hospital has been dedicated to children’s health care and to finding new and better ways to treat childhood illnesses. GOSH have developed a number of new clinical treatments and techniques that are used around the world.

GOSH as our
chosen charity
Some families face incredible challenges when their child is diagnosed with a serious health condition. GOSH are often an integral part in providing not only first class treatment but also care for those families. This means a lot to us at Giant because of a personal experience our group legal manager Maris Hanson has had with GOSH.
Over £25k raised so far!
June 2024 saw the end of our first year as official corporate partners of GOSH and we're proud to share that we have raised £26,770.
Together with the support of our community, we've waded through mud, hiked up Snowdon, run the London Marathon, climbed the Walkie Talkie tower and walked the distance between London and Paris. Don't worry, we documented as much as we could, watch our short video to see more.
We can't wait to kick off year 2 fundraising activities and look forward to bringing you along with us. Keep an eye out on our socials for updates and ways to get involved.
Christmas PJ's
This year we're proud to say that we've continued our tradition of gifting the amazing children who will sadly spend their festive season in GOSH with some Christmas PJ's. This is our 5th year working with John Lewis to ensure the stock is untouched and Maris delivers them directly, just like our own version of Santa!
SLT Challenge
Have a quick look at what we got up to from trampoline jumping to quitting life long habits.

Keep an eye out for updates on our latest fundraising activities and how you can get involved.
Any donation, however small, can make a big difference in creating a better future for seriously ill children. We would be delighted if you can join us in our fundraising efforts, alternatively, you can donate using the link below
Together we can make a big difference.